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Custom storage

By default the storage is set to sessionStorage, but you can specify the storage you want to use for each strategy by setting the storage key.

You can then use sessionStorage, localStorage or any custom storage object.

In this example we create a storage that uses the js-cookie npm module to get and set the user's access token into a cookie.

import Cookies from 'js-cookie'

import { defineStore } from 'react-liberate'

const cookiesStorage: Storage = {
  setItem (key, state) {
    return Cookies.set('accessToken', state.accessToken, { expires: 3 })
  getItem (key) {
    return JSON.stringify({
      accessToken: Cookies.getJSON('accessToken'),

export const useAppStore = defineStore('appStore', {
  state: () => {
    return {
      firstName: 'S',
      lastName: 'L',
      accessToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  actions: {
    setToken (value: string) {
      this.accessToken = value
  persist: {
    enabled: true,
    strategies: [
        storage: cookiesStorage,
        paths: ['accessToken']

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